  • 工作開放國家: 全球
  • 語言要求: English
BTC Layer2
Defi 产品

簡介 :




- 负责产品生命周期管理,包括需求收集、需求分析、产品设计、开发跟进和上线后优化。

- 与跨职能团队(如开发、设计、市场等)紧密合作,确保产品目标和业务目标一致。

- 定义产品需求文档(PRD)和功能规格说明书,确保开发团队准确理解产品需求。

- 管理产品开发过程中的各项工作,协调资源,解决出现的问题。

- 进行市场调研和竞争分析,提出产品优化和创新建议。

- 跟踪产品性能和用户反馈,制定并执行产品改进计划。

Job Description:

We are seeking an experienced Product Manager to support our team during a critical project phase. This role will be responsible for planning and executing product strategies, ensuring projects are completed on time and to the highest quality standards.

Key Responsibilities:

- Manage the product lifecycle, including requirements gathering, analysis, design, development follow-up, and post-launch optimization.

- Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams (e.g., development, design, marketing) to align product goals with business objectives.

- Define Product Requirement Documents (PRDs) and Functional Specifications to ensure the development team fully understands product needs.

- Oversee various tasks in the product development process, coordinate resources, and resolve issues as they arise.

- Conduct market research and competitive analysis, providing suggestions for product optimization and innovation.

- Monitor product performance and user feedback, develop, and execute product improvement plans.

職位要求 :


- 本科及以上学历,计算机、信息技术、市场营销或相关专业优先。

- 3年以上产品管理经验,有Web3产品经验者优先。

- 熟悉各类 BTC Layer2 产品优先。

- 熟悉各类 Defi 产品优先。

- 熟悉产品开发流程,有成功产品管理案例者优先。

- 优秀的沟通与协调能力,善于跨团队合作。

- 具备较强的市场分析、数据分析和解决问题的能力。

- 能够适应快节奏的工作环境,具有较强的抗压能力。

- 立即可上岗者优先。


- Bachelor's degree or higher, preferably in Computer Science, Information Technology, Marketing, or a related field.

- Over 3 years of product management experience, with a preference for experience in Web3 products.

- Familiarity with various BTC Layer2 products is a plus.

- Familiarity with various DeFi products is a plus.

- Proficient in product development processes, with a proven track record of successful product management.

- Excellent communication and coordination skills, adept at cross-team collaboration.

- Strong market analysis, data analysis, and problem-solving skills.

- Ability to thrive in a fast-paced work environment and handle pressure effectively.

- Immediate availability is preferred.

YUE tingting · HR Officer今天活躍


Career Development
Distributed team
Pay in Crypto
發布於 03 September 2024