Remote Details
  • Open Country: Worldwide
  • Language Requirements: English
Job Description

Description :


- 制定和实施公司的技术发展战略,确保技术方向与公司业务目标一致。

- 领导并管理研发团队,包括产品经理、后端工程师、测试工程师和研究员,确保团队高效运作和绩效达标。

- 监督并协调各技术项目的进度和质量,确保项目按时完成并达到预期目标。

- 关注行业技术趋势,推动技术创新,确保公司在技术领域的领先地位。

- 合理分配研发资源,优化团队结构,提升整体研发效率和产出。

- 建立并维护高标准的代码质量和技术文档,确保产品的稳定性和安全性。

- 与市场、运营等其他部门密切合作,支持公司整体业务发展。

- 识别并评估技术风险,制定相应的风险管理方案,保障项目顺利进行。

Job Description

- Develop and implement the company's technical development strategy, aligning technical direction with business goals.

- Lead and manage the R&D team, including product managers, backend engineers, test engineers, and researchers, ensuring team efficiency and performance.

- Oversee and coordinate the progress and quality of various technical projects, ensuring timely and goal-oriented project completion.

- Stay abreast of industry technology trends, drive technological innovation, and maintain the company's leading position in the tech field.

- Allocate R&D resources effectively, optimize team structure, and enhance overall R&D efficiency and output.

- Establish and maintain high standards for code quality and technical documentation to ensure product stability and security.

- Collaborate closely with marketing, operations, and other departments to support overall business development.

- Identify and evaluate technical risks, develop appropriate risk management plans, and ensure smooth project execution.

Requirements :


- 计算机科学、软件工程或相关专业的本科及以上学历。

- 10年以上技术研发经验,5年以上技术团队管理经验。

- 深入理解区块链技术及其应用,具备Web3项目的管理经验。

- 熟悉零知识证明(ZK)技术,有实际的研究和开发经验者优先。

- 精通Python、Rust、C++等至少一种编程语言,具备良好的编程能力。

- 扎实的算法和数据结构知识,能够设计高效的解决方案。

- 熟悉TCP/IP协议、网络安全和分布式系统。

- 掌握关系型数据库(如PostgreSQL、MySQL)和NoSQL数据库(如MongoDB、Cassandra)。

- 出色的项目管理能力,能够高效统筹多个技术项目。

- 优秀的沟通能力和团队领导能力,能够激励团队成员,推动团队达成目标。

- 强烈的创新意识和解决问题的能力,能够在复杂环境中快速反应并做出决策。

- 有顶级技术会议或期刊发表记录者优先。


- 参与过大型开源项目的开发和管理。

- 有在高增长科技公司的工作经验。

- 具备丰富的跨部门协作经验,能够有效推动技术与业务的融合。


- Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field.

- Over 10 years of technical R&D experience, with more than 5 years in technical team management.

- Deep understanding of blockchain technology and its applications, with experience managing Web3 projects.

- Familiarity with zero-knowledge proofs (ZK) technology, with practical research and development experience preferred.

- Proficiency in at least one programming language such as Python, Rust, or C++, with strong coding skills.

- Solid knowledge of algorithms and data structures, capable of designing efficient solutions.

- Familiarity with TCP/IP protocols, network security, and distributed systems.

- Proficient in managing relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra).

- Excellent project management skills, able to effectively coordinate multiple technical projects.

- Outstanding communication and leadership skills, capable of motivating team members and driving team goals.

- Strong innovation and problem-solving abilities, able to respond quickly and make decisions in complex environments.

- Preferred candidates have a record of publications in top technical conferences or journals.

Preferred Qualifications

- Experience developing and managing large-scale open-source projects.

- Experience working in high-growth technology companies.

- Rich cross-departmental collaboration experience, effectively integrating technology and business.

YUE tingting · HR OfficerActive today


Distributed team
Pay in Crypto
Posted on 03 September 2024