Bitget Wallet
101-500 人
職位 (5)
About Company
Bitget Wallet, the ultimate Web3 wallet for all your crypto needs, provides an all-in-one solution for Wallet, Swap, NFT Market, DApp Browser, and LaunchPad.Our vision is to build a world-class decentralized Web3 crypto wallet, providing all users with a safe and effortless trading experience.Founded in May 2018, BitKeep Global Inc. offers reliable asset management and trading services to more than 8 million users worldwide, covering 168 countries in North America, Europe, and Asia.The latest round of investment in BitKeep was led by crypto venture capital firm Dragonfly, with participation from Gaorong Capital, Foresight Venture, Sincere Truth, Bixin Capital, SevenX Ventures, and so forth.
公司規模101-500 人
Hi Boss
lee Mico
HR Officer
Your Safety, Our Priority at Bossjob.
If a job opportunity requires you to work overseas, we urge you to stay alert and protect yourself from potential fraud.
Should you encounter an employer who:
  • Unlawfully withholds your ID,
  • Demands a guarantee or property,
  • Pressures you into making investments or raising funds,
  • Seeks illicit benefits,
  • Or engages in any other illegal activities,
Please report it to us immediately.